How To Apply Mascara For Flawless Eyelashes (MASTER THE ART)

Have you ever wondered How to Apply Mascara to achieve flawless and envy-worthy lashes? If you have discovered yourself applauding those mesmerizing lashes on celebrities and influencers, then trust me, You’re not alone.

Mascara is indeed a makeup arsenal that can surely change the beauty game. Mascara not only makes your eyes the focal point of your overall look but also is capable of adding length, volume, curl, drama, and many more. If you badly need a step-by-step guide of mascara application to flaunt those beautiful lashes of yours. Then you’ve arrived in the right place.

In this article, we will help you understand the importance of understanding Mascara’s various types, colors, and brands. We will also be talking about the step-by-step process of applying Mascara. We will also solve some frequently made mishaps and their solutions.

So without wasting any more time, let’s directly jump right into the topic.


When it comes to mascara, various types, colors, and brands are available these days to serve multiple needs and purposes.

If we talk about various mascara types, there are Lengthening MascarasWaterproof MascarasVolumizing MascarasCurling Mascaras, and many more. Before you start with one, You must learn about the different types of mascaras and be confident with the purposes they can serve. For example – If having a more durable mascara is your choice, then you need to buy waterproof mascara. Similarly, if you want the appearance of longer lashes, then you must buy lengthening mascara. 

Various mascara colors are also available these days. But not all colors might suit you well. Your choice of mascara color depends on your eye color, skin color, hair color, and, to some extent, your desired outcome. And that’s exactly why you should precisely know What color mascara suits you the best as per your requirement. For example – are you buying the mascara for your day-to-day use or a party? Is your eye color brown, blue, or hazel?

In addition to these, numerous mascara brands are available too. For example – MaybellineEssence CosmeticsColourpopCover GirlRevlon, Tarte Mascaras, and many more. While buying mascara, you must have to ensure the quality and whether or not the mascara is from a reputable brand. Otherwise, you will only keep breaking the bank but won’t be satisfied. In general, a reputable brand like the one mentioned above ensures that their product is well-formulated, ingredients are gentle on the eyelashes, and comes with a better mascara wand/spoolie with a better design for precision and more control.

By understanding all the types, colors, and brands, you can surely take your mascara game to a new level.

Now, let’s dig into the process of applying mascara for a flawless look.


Let me start talking about the preparation phase with a favorite quote of mine by BENJAMIN FRANKLIN –

“By Failing to Prepare, You’re Preparing to Fail”

Benjamin Franklin

This one sentence clearly shows the importance of proper preparation for the successful result of anything. And, just like everything else, Proper preparation is also required for mascara application, especially for the optimal result. The preparation phase for the mascara application consists of Cleaning and Moisturizing your lashes, Curling your eyelashes, and Priming your lashes. 

Let’s talk in detail about how you can perform each preparation step – 


The preparation phase’s first and most important part is cleaning and moisturizing your lashes. This cleaning and moisturizing part not only condition your lashes but also make your lashes more attuned for the mascara application so that your beautiful lashes don’t get dried or break.

So to start the cleaning process, take some gentle eye makeup remover or micellar water and slowly but thoroughly wipe clean your eyelashes. After cleaning the impurities, properly apply a lightweight Eyelash Serum or some nourishing oil to promote the healthy growth of your eyelashes.



Eyelash Curling is optional. However, if you curl your eyelashes before applying mascara, you’ll get more lifted and opened-up eyelashes to work with. A lot of individuals, including myself, love it. 

To curl your eyelashes, you need to position your favorite eyelash curler at the base of your eyelashes and then gently clamp it and move along the length of your eyelashes. If required, do the same process again.

Be careful not to apply too much pressure on the lashes to avoid damaging your eyelashes. If you want to learn more in detail, check our article “How To Curl Eyelashes with & Without an Eyelash Curler,” where we discussed the step-by-step process using various types of eyelash curlers.


Eyelash Priming is another optional step that you can do to prepare yourself for the mascara application. Eyelash priming significantly extends the mascara wear time and creates a smoother base for the mascara application. And this is precisely why many people consider this a must-do step.

To apply eyelash primer, you need to have a spoolie/wand, and using the wand, gently comb some primer through your lashes thoroughly. This step will not only give you extra nourishment but will also help you have volume and length to your lashes if you know the Right Way to Apply Eyelash Primer.


There are tons of people who consider applying mascara to achieve an intimidating task. However, with a bit of practice, patience, and with the proper technique, anyone can achieve flawless lashes. 

Just follow the below step-by-step guide –  

1st STEP: REMOVE EXCESS MASCARA FROM THE WAND – The first step of the mascara application is to remove the excess mascara with the wand. And to do so, scrape the excess against the mascara tubes’ rim.

2nd STEP: HOLDING THE MASCARA WAND – The proper hold on the mascara wand is crucial for successful application. You should always grip the mascara wand near the base and hold the wand parallel to your eyelashes.

3rd STEP: START APPLYING FROM THE ROOTS – Now, for the application part, a general rule of thumb is to start from the roots. Place your wand as close to the roots as possible at the base of your lashes and horizontally move the wand back & forth to spread out the mascara evenly.

4th STEP: WIGGLING & SWEEPING – Now, keep your wand horizontal; wiggle your mascara wand from the root of your lashes to the tip in the upward direction gradually. Doing so can help the lashes to separate and evenly get the product.

5th STEP: FOCUS ON THE OUTER CORNER – To add depth and enhance the overall shape of your eyes, it’s time to focus on the outer corner. Start applying some additional coats on the outer corner and gradually build volume to elongate your beautiful lashes. This will give you a dramatic look overall.

6th STEP: LIGHTLY COAT LOWER LASHES – Now, focus on your lower lashes as well for a more balanced look. Very lightly coat your lower lashes with mascara, and while doing so, make sure you coat in a controlled motion to avoid mascara smudging and reduce the chances of mascara clumping

7th STEP: COMB & SEPARATE YOUR LASHES – After applying your favorite mascara, take another clean mascara wand and gently comb through your lashes for an even product distribution. Also, combing with a clean spoolie will help you separate any clumps, if there are any.

8th STEP: LAYERING MASCARA (OPTIONAL) – Although this step is optional, we recommend doing it to create extra volume or intensity. But before layering your mascara, ensure the previous coat is at least slightly dried. 

9th STEP: FIXING MISTAKES: Often, mistakes happen, which is normal. To fix errors or smudges, allow your mascara to dry out thoroughly first, and then take a cotton swab, put some makeup remover in it, and gently remove the unwanted mascara smudges. Make sure not to touch the rest of the makeup.

You can achieve voluminous and very defined eyelashes by carefully following these guidelines.


If there’s one thing about mascara application that scares most people has to be the application to the lower lashes. However, Properly applying Mascara to the lower lashes helps create a balanced and polished overall look and also helps create harmony with the upper lash.

Here is a step-by-step guide on How to apply Mascara on bottom lashes the right way. All you have to do is follow all the steps –

1st STEP: HOLD THE WAND FOR BETTER CONTROL – Always hold the mascara wand horizontally parallel to your lashes and gently grip it to the tip to establish better control and precision. This will allow you to apply the Mascara with more accuracy. 

2nd STEP: GENTLE APPLICATION TO THE LOWER LASHES – Using a gently sweeping motion, start applying the Mascara on your bottom lashes from the base of your lashes to the tip. While applying, ensure you’re coating evenly without putting excessive pressure on it. Also, don’t overload your bottom lashes with too much product to prevent clumping or smudging.

3rd STEP: COMB & SEPARATE FOR A NATURAL APPEARANCE – After you’re done applying the mascara coat, take a clean mascara wand and gently brush through your lower lashes to remove any clumps and to create a more natural and defined look.

And, That’s it!! You have successfully applied Mascara on the lower lashes.


We know still some of you will be facing a tough time in applying mascara, especially beginners, and that’s exactly why we have brought some more expert suggestions, tips, and tricks to get your job done quickly and flaunt those beautiful and dramatic lashes. 

Let’s talk about those additional tips and tricks –

TIP #01: PERSONALIZE THE COLOR – While choosing the mascara color, choose it wisely, as your entire eye appearance largely depends on it. Many factors, such as your eye color, skin tone, hair color, etc., are crucial in determining the mascara color. So first find out “What color mascara Suits You The Best” and then buy accordingly.

TIP #02: BOTTOM to TOP TECHNIQUE – Always apply mascara on your lower lashes before moving on to the upper lashes because this will allow you to stop mascara from smudging on your lower lashes and will help you work with better precision.

TIP #03: CUSTOMIZE THE LOOK with THE PROPER FORMULA – Be bold and experiment with different mascara formulas. For example – If you want your lashes to look longer than usual, then lengthening mascara is the one you have to pick; on the other hand, if your requirement is to wear the mascara for a more extended period, then waterproof mascara is the one you have to pick. So know “What Type of Mascara Should You Buy” first, and then buy one and experiment with it.

TIP #04: AVOIDING CLUMPS – When you take out the wand, always roll out your wand from the tube instead of just pumping the mascara in and out. This trick will allow your wand bristles to distribute the product evenly, eventually reducing clumping chances.

 TIP #05: USING LASH COMB – For a more defined and polished appearance after the application, use an eyelash comb or a clean mascara wand/spoolie to brush through your lashes. Brushing will allow you to separate your lashes if there are any clumps.

TIP #06: REMOVING EXCESS PRODUCT – To remove the excess mascara from your wand, tap your wand lightly against your mascara tube rim before you take the wand out completely. This will ensure your wand doesn’t get overloaded with products and doesn’t clump or smudge.

Additionally, you can also learn How to layer mascara and How to use a lash primer the right way to take your mascara game to a whole different level.


Even after successfully applying the Mascara, there are chances that you’ll face some common challenges. Let’s discuss all the common issues you might face and how you can solve them.


To solve this problem, You must learn the correct way to utilize an Eyelash Primer, and you must also use waterproof Mascara and make sure you don’t touch or rub your lashes. While applying, you can either follow the SANDBAGGING method of applying mascara or the WAYNE GOSS method to stop Mascara from smudging or transferring. 

For more SMUDGE PROOF expert tips, read our detailed article “How to Keep Mascara From Smudging CHEAT SHEET.”


Straight lashes occur when your lashes don’t have much natural curl. To solve this issue, use an eyelash curler to get some curl, and then apply the mascara; your problem will be solved. 

Be careful while choosing and curling using an eyelash curler. There are different types of eyelash curlers available in the market. You have to be cautious in selecting an eyelash curler and also while you’re curling the eyelashes. Carelessness can make your eyelashes brittle and damaged. We have a detailed article on “How To Curl Eyelashes With and Without an Eyelash Curler” We recommend you read the article carefully before starting to curl.

  • ISSUE #03: CLUMPING – 

Clumping occurs when you don’t remove the excess Mascara from the wand/spoolie. And to solve this problem, you can either roll your mascara wand against the rim of the tube or take a paper towel and gently pat remove the excess on the paper towel. 

Also, roll the mascara wand before applying it to your lashes. And, Finally, after applying the Mascara, use a lash comb, or a clean lash spoolie brush through your lashes.


To solve the problem of Flaking or Smearing, you should always check the expiration date of your favorite mascara. Since mascara tends to become flaky or dried out in a very short time. Although there are many ways to revive Your Favourite Dried Out Mascara, checking the expiration date can save time. 

Always use a lash primer properly and then apply your mascara in multiple coats but make sure you give the coat enough time to get dried. 


Removing mascara is a huge concern for those waterproof lovers, but you guys should not be worried. Try to use a gentle makeup remover or various oils like coconut, aloe vera, jojoba, etc. 

Soak a cotton pad with your preferred removal product to remove mascara, and gently start swiping to clean the lashes. It’s a straightforward process; just be cautious to remove the mascara sparingly. For a more detailed step-by-step guide, check our article “How To Remove Waterproof Mascara Without Damaging the Lashes.”



ANSWER: NO!! Using your mascara past its expiration date is definitely not a good idea.

This is because modern mascaras are made up of various ingredients, and not every ingredient lasts for the same period. When a mascara expires, it loses the efficiency and efficacy of a smoother application, leading to clumping or flaking. Also, because of its usage in the past, your mascara tube has acquired air inside the tube, making it a breeding ground for mascara.


Finally, mastering the art of applying mascara can not only elevate your beauty game but can also enhance your natural beauty. We are hoping you have gathered all the necessary information and learned the skill to confidently tackle any mascara wand, transforming your lashes to canvas that can draw not only attention but also admiration.

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