How To Unclump Mascara For Flawless Eyelashes

How to unclump Mascara for Flawless Eyelashes

Have you ever come across this thought of how to unclump mascara or how to achieve those captivating, fluttery lashes that can frame our eyes like a work of art?

Getting a picture-perfect lash is a dream of pretty much every eye makeup enthusiast, however; clumpy mascara often creates a disaster in our overall look. If you’re someone who has struggled with unsightly clumps that are capable of ruining your carefully crafted appearance, then fret not!! Because we are here with all the suggestions you need to know to stop this mascara mishap from happening to you ever again.

In this article, we are going to be shedding the knowledge of what actually causes mascara to clump and what you can do about it. How can you apply mascara without clumping also how can you unclump the ones that are already clumped we will also be talking about some pro-level tips so that you can finally say goodbye to this nightmare.

So without any delay let’s step aboard on this adventurous journey together and let’s unlock the wonders of unclumping mascara.


Mascara can clump because of various reasons and the most prominent reason is unable to identify expired mascara or mascara that has been exposed to air for a long period and using it. An expired mascara or mascaras that are exposed to air can eventually dry out making the application clump overall. 

Another reason for clumping can be using too much mascara in one go. It is a recommended suggestion to apply multiple coats of mascara while applying mascara to get flawless lashes. However, it’s also important to let one coat dry up completely before applying another one otherwise clumping can occur. Additionally, utilizing low-quality mascara or mascaras with heavy formula can also be a reason for mascara clumping.

Instead of making our lashes look smooth and natural, clumpy mascara makes the lashes look uneven and messy leading to a spidery or “caterpillar” effect. Also, clumpy mascara can make your overall makeup look tired or unkempt.


Though when our mascara clumps it becomes quite evident still if you’re unsure or facing hard times understanding the signs of mascara clumps you can keep an eye out on these below signs so that you can address the issues as promptly as possible – 

  1. UNEVEN LASHES – When our mascara clumps instead of a smooth and separate-looking lash appearance, it tends to form thick patches on the lashes resulting in an unbalanced overall look.
  2. EXCESS MASCARA BUILDUP – Seeing your lashes appear overly thick or overloaded with mascara resulting in weighing the lashes down is an important sign of clumpy mascara.
  3. SPIDERY LASHES – Another noticeable sign of mascara clumping is that instead of being neatly separated our lashes tend to provide a “Spidery Lashes” effect when mascara clumping occurs.
  4. FLAKING and SMUDGING – Another important sign is that clumped mascara usually tends to flake off or smudge. Throughout the day you might find signs of small mascara particles falling into your cheeks resulting in black smudges around your eyes.
  5. APPLICATION DIFFICULTY – When our mascara becomes clumpy it will be extremely challenging to achieve a smooth flawless mascara application.
  6. LACK OF DEFINITION – Clumpy mascara can also make our individual lashes lose definition instead of providing a well-defined polished mascara look overall.
  7. IRRITATION or DISCOMFORT – The uneven texture of the clumpy mascara can also cause irritation in our eyes making it very less comfortable to wear overall.


Choosing the right mascara is extremely important in getting a clump-free mascara application. You should consider various crucial factors before choosing the right mascara for yourself. Let’s talk about some of the important factors you need to ensure that matter in getting a clump-free application – 


There are various types of mascara formulations are available to cater to the needs of the user’s lash needs. For example – lengthening mascara they are great for making the lashes look longer and defined, volumizing mascara is great for giving a fuller and thicker lash appearance, and curling mascara is best for those natural lash beauties who are looking forward to having curls to their natural lashes there are many other formulas are also available.

However, it is important to note that when it comes to choosing an appropriate mascara for a clump-free application it’s better to have a water-based or gel-based mascara rather than the oil-based one. Since water or gel-based mascaras tend to be smoother and less likely to create clumps on your lashes.

Lengthening mascaras and Tubing mascaras are great for getting a clump-free mascara application. As lengthening mascaras usually have a lighter texture which helps prevent clumping and creates a more polished and defined look. Tubing mascaras on the other hand create tiny water-resistant tube-like polymers around each of our lashes giving us a clump-free, flake-free and smudge-free appearance.


Just like various mascara formulations, various types of mascara brushes or wands/spoolie are also available such as curved, hourglass, micro-tip, pointed-tip, and many others. And each of these is specifically made to cater to various lash needs and preferences.

When it comes to choosing a preferred mascara brush or wand pretty much all types are efficient if you know the right way to apply mascara. However, plastic mascara wand or silicone brush bristles are one of our favorites as it’s easier to separate and coat each individual lash, and that too without clumping. 


Along with mascara formulations and mascara wand type you need to be careful in selecting the mascara brands as well. As there are numerous mascara brands all throughout the world that are less well known and their mascaras are not much effective as compared to reputable mascara brands.


Modern mascaras are made of various helpful ingredients that can not only improve our lash appearance but can also nourish and strengthens our lashes. Still, it’s always a good idea to know about Ingredients to look for (and Avoid) in mascara to get our hands on the best mascara for a clump-free mascara application.

Selecting the right mascara actually depends on how well you are acquainted with the factors that matter in mascara selection. To know more in detail you can consider reading our comprehensive article on How to choose the right mascara for a clump-free and captivating lashes.



So, we identified what causes mascara to clump, what are the signs of mascara clumping, and also how to choose the right mascara for a clump-free application. Now, it’s time to apply, right?

Always remember, how well your final lash look is going to be is dependent on your lash preparation. So, to prepare your lashes simply follow these below-mentioned steps – 


The first step of the preparation has to be properly cleaning your lashes to get rid of all the specks of dirt, gunks, and residue from the previous mascara application. You can use a gentle cleanser to clean your lashes. But refrain from using harsh products that can potentially irritate your eyes.

Once you’re done with the lash cleaning process use a gentle lash-friendly moisturizer or a lash serum to make your lashes hydrated and nourished. So that they are less likely to clump and stay flexible for the mascara application.

  • UTILIZE an EYELASH CURLER (Optional) –

An eyelash curler is a savior for not only those straight-lash people but also every type of lash as it can enhance the look of your lashes and help you from preventing clumps. Before applying your mascara, gently curl your eyelashes without tugging or pulling to avoid lash breakage.

Position your eyelash curler as close as possible to your lash line, hold it for a few seconds, and then gently release it to lift your lashes and give them a longer and more defined look. But make sure under no circumstances you’re pulling or tugging while curling your lashes. We highly encourage you to check our step-by-step article on how to curl eyelashes with and without an eyelash curler to have a hassle-free lash curling experience.


Trimming eyelashes is an optional step and should be done with extreme caution. Trim your eyelashes only if you find that you’re lashes are too long and tend to clump together even after careful mascara application only then trim a very tiny amount to maintain a natural look.

If you’re not confident with the trimming process we would rather suggest you skip this preparational step to avoid any potential accidents or damage to your eyelashes. But still, if you’re adamant to trim your lashes down you must read our article “How to trim Eyelash extensions that are too long and thick” for a detailed step-by-step process to avoid accidents and

By properly preparing your lashes you actually set the stage for a clump-free mascara application that results in beautiful separated and stunning eyes.


As your lashes are prepared now for the application follow these below steps for a clump-free application

1st STEP: APPLY LASH PRIMER or MASCARA PRIMER – The first step for a clump-free mascara application has to be applying an eye primer the right way to create a smooth base for your eyelashes and help separate the lashes which can reduce the likelihood of mascara clumping.

2nd STEP: WIGGLE the WAND – Next, to avoid getting air inside the tube instead of pumping your mascara in and out, wiggle your wand gently and start applying from the base of your eyelashes and then sweep upward.

3rd STEP: APPLY THIN COATS – Then, apply mascara in thin coats to prevent clumping, and while coating let each coat dry briefly before jumping into the other coat.

4th STEP: FOCUS on OUTER and INNER CORNERS – Outer and inner corners of the lashes are the most prone to mascara clumping so pay special attention to these areas. Use the tip of your wand to coat the outer and inner corners of your lashes once you’re happy with the other part’s application.

5th STEP: COMB THROUGH LASHES – Finally, comb your lashes using a lash comb using a clean mascara wand/spoolie this will help the lashes separate down if any clumps have formed.


If you see the signs of clumpy mascara visible on your lashes don’t panic rather stay calm and gather all the essentials on hand to unclump your lashes. Let’s talk about the two most possible scenarios and what your course of action should be –


  • PAUSE and ASSESS – While applying your mascara follow the pause and assess process. If you see any signs of mascara clumping stop immediately and don’t further continue to stop worsening the situation.
  • USE CLEAN SPOOLIE BRUSH – Take a clean mascara wand or spoolie brush so that you can gently brush through your lashes to clean the clumps and separate the lashes properly.
  • BLOT with TISSUE/PAPER TOWEL – If clumpings are excessive and not going off with brushing you can lightly blot your lashes with a clean paper towel or tissue paper to absorb the excess mascara.
  • ADJUST the TECHNIQUE – Reassess your application procedure and fix your techniques accordingly. Ensure you’re using thin coats and wiggling the mascara wand to get the product evenly.
  • CLEAN UP with Q-TIP – If you see any signs of further clumping or smudging you can utilize a Q-tip. Dip it in a gentle makeup remover and sweep it along your lash line to any further traces of smudging or clumping. 


  • CARRY A SPOOLIE BRUSH – While on the go try to keep a clean mascara wand or spoolie brush in your makeup bag or purse. If you notice any clumps throughout the day just make sure to brush your lashes to separate clumps.
  • CARRY Q TIP – Carrying a Q-tip in your makeup purse is another great option to unclump mascara on the go. Keep a small sprayer bottle of gentle makeup remover on the bag and soak the Q-tip into the makeup remover and wipe away any traces of clumps. 
  • POWDER-FREE FIX – If you forget to carry Q-tips or a clean wand in your bag you don’t need to be worried just press your fingertips together lightly and gently pinch off between your lashes to separate and remove clumps. 

Finally, if your mascara isn’t perfect don’t be too hard on yourself rather embrace the imperfections. Always remember that makeup mishaps happen to everyone and it’s just part of the learning process.


Along with the right mascara application, there are several other tips or techniques you can utilize to prevent this painful mishap from happening. Let’s discuss all the advanced and effective tips that the makeup gurus vetted for – 


  • USE LASH PRIMER – Professional lash artists recommend learning the right way of eyelash primer and applying it before using mascara for a flawless clump-free application. It will create a smoother base for the mascara application.
  • WIGGLE and ROLL – Makeup gurus also suggest wiggling the wand at the base of your eyelashes and then gently rolling the wand upward while applying mascara to get a clump-free mascara application.
  • WORK in SECTIONS – Another tip that all experts agree on is instead of applying mascara all at once it’s better to divide your lashes in sections and coat them individually. Works in section allow you to have an even and clump-free mascara application.
  • AVOID OVERLOADING THE WAND – Too much product on the tip of your wand can lead to mascara clumping so wipe off the excess mascara using a paper towel or gently slide against the mascara tubes trim to get rid of the excess mascara.
  • NEVER PUMP THE WAND – If you don’t want your mascara to expire or dry out then you should never pump your mascara wand as this can introduce air into your mascara tube.
  • ALWAYS USE A LASH COMB or CLEAN WAND – Even after being careful you can still see the signs of clumping but don’t worry rather once you’re done with the application comb through your eyelashes using a lash comb or a clean mascara wand to get a sleek and clump free mascara look.


  • BABY POWDER TRICK – The baby powder trick works like magic when used along with mascara. To achieve a clump-free mascara application apply a very light coat of mascara and then dust off some baby powder over your lashes with a clean mascara wand and then apply another coat of mascara. The baby powder will add thickness without clumps.
  • MIX and MATCH MASCARAs – Another great tip for a clump-free mascara application is to layer your lashes with different formulas to get both a lengthening and volumizing effect on your lashes without clumping.
  • WARMING UP YOUR MASCARA – A lot of people prefer to warm up their mascara by placing the tube in a warm bowl of water for a few minutes before applying as this can help thin out the mascara formula and eventually help get a clump-free application.


  • CLUMP-FREE MASCARA WANDs – To prevent your mascara from clumping you can also utilize innovative wand designs. While shopping, look out for brushes that have evenly spaced bristles like plastic mascara wands or silicone mascara wands from various types of mascara wands
  • CLUMP-SEALING TOP COATs – Various mascara brands offer clear mascara top coats which are specifically designed to seal off mascara in place so that it doesn’t flake or smudge off all throughout the day.

By following all these steps you can apply mascara without clumping and achieve smooth and picture-perfect lashes every time you apply.


Replace your mascara within 3-6 months time.Don’t apply too many coats that can over power the lashes.
Always remove your mascara application before going to bed.Don’t pump your mascara wand in and out of the tube.
Be extremely gentle while removing mascara.Never use mascara that is already expired or mascara that is near to expiry date.
Nourish lashes using lash serum or using a lash moisturizer.Don’t share your mascara with anyone.



  • MICELLAR WATER – Micellar water is the most preferred choice for most people as it can effectively remove mascara and other makeup without leaving off any sticky residue.
  • DUAL-PHASE MAKEUP REMOVERS – Dual-phase makeup removers are extremely effective and are consisting of a water-based solution and an oil-based solution. Before using it shake it well and then by using a cotton ball soaked in the saturation start removing your mascara or other cosmetics.
  • OIL-BASED MAKEUP REMOVERS – Many people prefer utilizing oils like coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, etc. as makeup removers to remove their makeup gently without any tugging or pulling on the eyelashes.


  • 1st STEP: The first step of the removal process is to soak your cotton pad into your favorite gentle makeup remover. And then by keeping your eyes closed gently press the cotton pad against your lashes to help the mascara build up to loosen up.
  • 2nd STEP: After a few seconds, softly wipe off the cotton pad in the downward direction along your eyelashes. While doing it you must ensure you don’t rub or scrub as this can cause the lashes to break or get damaged.

Finally, if you still see any further traces of mascara, repeat the process again to end up having clean and smooth mascara-free eyelashes. If you want to know about the removal process using various ingredients be sure to check our article on How to remove mascara without any damage.


  • CLEANSE YOUR FACE – Once you’re done cleaning mascara, it’s recommended to clean your face with a mild cleanser again to ensure no traces of makeup are left on your eyelashes.
  • HYDRATE EYELASHES – To keep your lash hydrated must apply an eyelash moisturizer or an eyelash serum to keep your lashes moisturized and conditioned to prevent lash breakage or getting damaged. 



ANSWER: It’s better not to use waterproof mascara for regular wear.

Waterproof mascara usually consists of strong lasting ingredients which makes it an excellent choice for special occasions like when you encounter humidity or water or a hot sunny day to avoid smudging through your lashes. Daily usage of waterproof mascara can lead to drying out and damaging your precious beautiful eyelashes. Also, removing waterproof mascara is quite a hassle which makes it an unsuitable option for daily use. 


ANSWER: It’s recommended to replace your mascara in 3 to 6 months.

Just like every other product mascara also expires. And the date of expiration actually depends on numerous factors such as what is the formulation type of the mascara, is the mascara opened or unopened, and how was the storage conditions of the mascara were like in its lifetime.

By carefully storing your mascara you can prolong its lifetime however, it’s still a good option to throw it away in 3 to 6 months. To know more about how mascara expires, and how to store it to make it last more be sure to check our article How long does mascara last: Unveiling the real truth.


ANSWER: Making your lashes look fuller and healthier is possible when you properly take care of your lashes.

To properly take care of your lashes and keep them moisturized you can use a natural lash moisturizer like castor oil or use an eyelash serum the right way frequently. This will allow your lashes to get properly moisturized and conditioned.

Also, you can utilize various good lengthening mascaras and great volumizing mascaras to make your eyelashes look fuller and healthier.  


ANSWER: Clumping is one mascara issue you can face but many other issues can also occur from mascara application. for example – 

  • FLAKING – To help yourself get rid of this issue try using a Tubing mascara formula or those mascaras that are labeled as “flake-free”. And make sure you don’t rub your eyes throughout the day. If still, flaking issues persist, it’s time to throw away and get yourself a new mascara.
  • LACK of VOLUME and LENGTH – This problem can easily be solved if you buy great lengthening or good volumizing mascaras while shopping. Lengthening mascaras are great for giving you a prolonged lash look while the volumizing mascaras are superb in adding definition to your eyelashes.
  • STRAIGHT EYELASHES – Straight eyelashes are another concerning issues that can easily be solved by either using an eyelash curler the right way or by buying a curling mascara formula that is capable of giving your natural lashes a bit of curl.
  • SENSITIVE EYES – Sensitive-eyed people mostly face issues of eye irritation and discomfort in their eyes which can be reduced by either buying hypoallergenic mascaras or by carefully looking out for Ingredients to look at (And Avoid) while buying mascaras.


Finally, in conclusion, remember mastering the art of unclumping your mascara is definitely the key to achieving picture-perfect and stunning lashes. By following all the guidelines we have shared with you today you will not only be able to confidently apply your mascara but will also help you stop this mishap from happening.

Hope you have liked the article and unlocked the wonders of unclumping your mascara. Share this article with your family and friends to let them learn as well. Do subscribe to our weekly newsletter if you want more helpful suggestions like this right into your inbox.

If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact us or you can also check our other mascara-related blog topics to let your eyes be the center of attention, radiating with the allure of clump-free mascara application.
